Povídky v AJ

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The A Squad

Odkaz | Autor: Sineala | Fandom: Profesionálové | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Bodie/Doyle | Rating: explicitní | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: The "A" in "A Squad" stands for "alpha." That should mean a lot of things, but Bodie has never really been one for rules.
Klíčová slova: omegaverse, alfa/alfa

The Abyss Looked Back

Odkaz | Autor: nlblake | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: HP/LV | Rating: 16+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: nedokončeno | Poslední aktualizace: 2008-01-23 | Počet kapitol: 3
Shrnutí: Harry, který se pokouší vnést světlo do temnoty Voldemortovy vlády, hraje nebezpečnou hru, která by mohla zničit poslední paprsky naděje, pokud jeho čas vyprší.
Klíčová slova: Voldemort vyhrál, Harry Voldemortovou hračkou, psychické týrání, Harry manželem Voldemorta

The Acceptance

Odkaz | Autor: Pan06 | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: HP, HG | Rating: K (5+) | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: nedokončeno | Poslední aktualizace: 2007-11-04 | Počet kapitol: 19
Shrnutí: Když jsou Dursleyovi na Mallorce, dostane Harry svůj první Bradavický dopis. Spolu se spoustou dalších. Kterou školu si vybere a jak jeho volba ovlivní lidi a události, které ho obklopují? Jak to ovlivní jeho vlastní budoucnost?
Klíčová slova: Harry nestuduje v Bradavicích

The Acute Mastery of Potions

Odkaz | Autor: lunakatrina | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter, Severus Snape | Rating: 13+ | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: nedokončeno | Poslední aktualizace: 2013-02-13 | Počet kapitol: 21
Shrnutí: Harry had hoped for years that he's find non-Dursley relatives, but now he found himself wondering if he'd have rather lived in ignorance.Maybe if he ignored it, the truth would go away!
Klíčová slova: severitus , gen

The Acute Mastery of Potions

Odkaz | Autor: lunakatrina | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter, Severus Snape | Rating: 13+ | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: nedokončeno | Poslední aktualizace: 2013-02-13 | Počet kapitol: 21
Shrnutí: Harry had hoped for years that he's find non-Dursley relatives, but now he found himself wondering if he'd have rather lived in ignorance.Maybe if he ignored it, the truth would go away!
Klíčová slova: severitus , gen

The Addams family come to hogwarts

Odkaz | Autor: crocket | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: | Rating: T (13+) | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: nedokončeno | Poslední aktualizace: 2010-10-03 | Počet kapitol: 5
Shrnutí: Harry is an Addams. This was just a short story and most likerly a one off but I had to amny ask for more of it. I think it will end up m rateing but not yet. Thank you for your interest.
Klíčová slova: crossover s Addams Family

The Adventure of the Silver Scars

Odkaz | Autor: tangledblue | Fandom: Sherlock BBC | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Mary Watson, Molly Hooper | Rating: 15+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 41
Shrnutí: It’s been thirteen months since Mary shot Sherlock in the chest and John finds he’s still pissed off about it. Sherlock had thought everything was settled: John and Mary, domestic bliss. But when John turns up at Baker Street with suitcases, the world’s only consulting detective might not be prepared for the consequences. A new case. Some old scores to settle. Certain danger. Concertos, waltzes, and whisky.
Klíčová slova: Johnlock, case-fic, no Watson baby, UST, humor, angst, post-series 3 & TAB

The Adventure of the Silver Scars

Odkaz | Autor: tangledblue | Fandom: Sherlock BBC | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Mary Watson, Molly Hooper | Rating: 15+ | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 41
Shrnutí: It’s been thirteen months since Mary shot Sherlock in the chest and John finds he’s still pissed off about it. Sherlock had thought everything was settled: John and Mary, domestic bliss. But when John turns up at Baker Street with suitcases, the world’s only consulting detective might not be prepared for the consequences. A new case. Some old scores to settle. Certain danger. Concertos, waltzes, and whisky.
Klíčová slova: Johnlock, case-fic, no Watson baby, UST, humor, angst, post-series 3 & TAB

The Alchemist: Unraveling the Criminal Mind

Odkaz | Autor: Keko_haru | Fandom: Myšlenky zločince | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang, tým BAU | Rating: PG-13 - od třinácti let | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: nedokončeno | Poslední aktualizace: 2024-04-23 | Počet kapitol: 5
Shrnutí: Edward and Mustang find themselves in a strange world, landing in a rustic cabin in Virginia. They realize that alchemy doesn't exist in this world, and they do their best to adapt. However, things take a turn when Ed attends a seminar on profiling, hinting at potential new challenges and adventures for the two alchemists in this unfamiliar world.
Klíčová slova: Crossover, Fullmetal Alchemist, cestování mezi světy, cestování časem, sériový vrah, krimi, alchymie, nadpřirozeno, slash, alkohol, skrytá identita, protetická končetina, FBI, BAU

The Alchemist's Measure

Odkaz | Autor: Kitty Fisher | Fandom: Profesionálové | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Bodie/Doyle, Murphy | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 10
Shrnutí: "Come, I'll take you to another country, one you'lve never been to before except maybe in your dreams."
Klíčová slova: AU, BDSM, romantika

The Alchemist's Measure

Odkaz | Autor: Kitty Fisher | Fandom: Profesionálové | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Bodie/Doyle, Murphy | Rating: NC-17 | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 10
Shrnutí: "Come, I'll take you to another country, one you'lve never been to before except maybe in your dreams."
Klíčová slova: AU, BDSM, romantika

The Alphabet Series

Odkaz | Autor: Delphi | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: různí studenti a profesoři v Bradavicích | Rating: adult | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 26
Shrnutí: neuvedeno
Klíčová slova: sex, drabble

The Alphabet Series

Odkaz | Autor: Delphi | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: různí studenti a profesoři v Bradavicích | Rating: adult | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 26
Shrnutí: neuvedeno
Klíčová slova: sex, drabble

The Alphabet Series

Odkaz | Autor: Delphi | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: různí studenti a profesoři v Bradavicích | Rating: adult | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 26
Shrnutí: neuvedeno
Klíčová slova: sex, drabble

The Anniversary

Odkaz | Autor: Sebastian | Fandom: Profesionálové | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Bodie/Doyle | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Klíčová slova: bez sexu

The Apothecary's Assistant – or – Witch Austen's Revenge

Odkaz | Autor: subtilior | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger | Rating: T | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 9
Shrnutí: One sunny afternoon in June, Unspeakable Granger is called to Hogwarts Library in order to examine a bizarre book. Unfortunately for her, the book is a particularly possessive "Pride and Prejudice;" fortunately for us, Close Encounters of the Regency Kind ensue!
Klíčová slova: crack!fic, humor, crossower

The Apothecary's Assistant – or – Witch Austen's Revenge

Odkaz | Autor: subtilior | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger | Rating: T | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 9
Shrnutí: One sunny afternoon in June, Unspeakable Granger is called to Hogwarts Library in order to examine a bizarre book. Unfortunately for her, the book is a particularly possessive "Pride and Prejudice;" fortunately for us, Close Encounters of the Regency Kind ensue!
Klíčová slova: crack!fic, humor, crossower

The Apothecary's Assistant – or – Witch Austen's Revenge

Odkaz | Autor: subtilior | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger | Rating: T | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 9
Shrnutí: One sunny afternoon in June, Unspeakable Granger is called to Hogwarts Library in order to examine a bizarre book. Unfortunately for her, the book is a particularly possessive "Pride and Prejudice;" fortunately for us, Close Encounters of the Regency Kind ensue!
Klíčová slova: crack!fic, humor, crossower

The Apothecary's Assistant – or – Witch Austen's Revenge

Odkaz | Autor: subtilior | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger | Rating: T | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 9
Shrnutí: One sunny afternoon in June, Unspeakable Granger is called to Hogwarts Library in order to examine a bizarre book. Unfortunately for her, the book is a particularly possessive "Pride and Prejudice;" fortunately for us, Close Encounters of the Regency Kind ensue!
Klíčová slova: crack!fic, humor, crossower

The Apothecary's Assistant – or – Witch Austen's Revenge

Odkaz | Autor: subtilior | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger | Rating: T | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 9
Shrnutí: One sunny afternoon in June, Unspeakable Granger is called to Hogwarts Library in order to examine a bizarre book. Unfortunately for her, the book is a particularly possessive "Pride and Prejudice;" fortunately for us, Close Encounters of the Regency Kind ensue!
Klíčová slova: crack!fic, humor, crossower

The Apprentice and the Necromancer

Odkaz | Autor: JunoMagic | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: SS/HG | Rating: (T) M | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 251
Shrnutí: Hermione saves Snape's life in the Shrieking Shack. While he is still in coma at St. Mungo's, slowly recovering from his injuries, he's put on trial for his crimes. In spite of Harry's efforts to get him pardoned, Snape's freedom comes with a condition. He gets released on probation for three years. To prove his social rehabilitation, Snape needs to find a wife within these three years, or it's a life-sentence in Azkaban for him. But finding a wife is not as easy as it used to be in the wizarding world. To prevent genetic defects resulting from constant inbreeding among purebloods, a marriage law has been passed. The wizarding genealogies have been bespelled so that only people with favourable combinations of genes will receive the permission to marry. Harry and his friends decide to save Snape from Azkaban and to find him a wife. Naturally, things go very wrong and Hermione ends up being volunteered for the job. Trying to win Snape's trust as his apprentice, Hermione discovers that there's more to Severus Snape than she ever knew. At her master's side, she gets sucked into a web of political and magical intrigue, nefarious plots and evil schemes. Muggle-born witches and wizards die, Necromancers are afoot, a wizarding portrait stops moving, the Deathly Hallows disappear and resurface again … And in the middle of it all, Hermione falls head over heels, hopelessly and completely in love with Severus Snape. PREKLAD: Učednica a Nekromanter
Klíčová slova: AU, Post-DH, EWE, Snape!Lives, X-over, H/C

The Apprentice and the Necromancer

Odkaz | Autor: JunoMagic | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: SS/HG | Rating: (T) M | Slash: ne | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 251
Shrnutí: Hermione saves Snape's life in the Shrieking Shack. While he is still in coma at St. Mungo's, slowly recovering from his injuries, he's put on trial for his crimes. In spite of Harry's efforts to get him pardoned, Snape's freedom comes with a condition. He gets released on probation for three years. To prove his social rehabilitation, Snape needs to find a wife within these three years, or it's a life-sentence in Azkaban for him. But finding a wife is not as easy as it used to be in the wizarding world. To prevent genetic defects resulting from constant inbreeding among purebloods, a marriage law has been passed. The wizarding genealogies have been bespelled so that only people with favourable combinations of genes will receive the permission to marry. Harry and his friends decide to save Snape from Azkaban and to find him a wife. Naturally, things go very wrong and Hermione ends up being volunteered for the job. Trying to win Snape's trust as his apprentice, Hermione discovers that there's more to Severus Snape than she ever knew. At her master's side, she gets sucked into a web of political and magical intrigue, nefarious plots and evil schemes. Muggle-born witches and wizards die, Necromancers are afoot, a wizarding portrait stops moving, the Deathly Hallows disappear and resurface again … And in the middle of it all, Hermione falls head over heels, hopelessly and completely in love with Severus Snape. PREKLAD: Učednica a Nekromanter
Klíčová slova: AU, Post-DH, EWE, Snape!Lives, X-over, H/C

The Arrangements

Odkaz | Autor: mrscakeakajane | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter, Severus Snape | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Writen for Snarry a thon 2010, Harry and Snape teach at Hogwarts - Harry begs Snape to pretend to be in a relationship with him to keep the new teacher in town who doesn't seem to understand 'not interested' off his back. Pretending becomes reality.
Klíčová slova:

The Arrangements

Odkaz | Autor: mrscakeakajane | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter, Severus Snape | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Writen for Snarry a thon 2010, Harry and Snape teach at Hogwarts - Harry begs Snape to pretend to be in a relationship with him to keep the new teacher in town who doesn't seem to understand 'not interested' off his back. Pretending becomes reality.
Klíčová slova:

The Arrangements

Odkaz | Autor: mrscakeakajane | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: AJ | Postavy: Harry Potter, Severus Snape | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 1
Shrnutí: Writen for Snarry a thon 2010, Harry and Snape teach at Hogwarts - Harry begs Snape to pretend to be in a relationship with him to keep the new teacher in town who doesn't seem to understand 'not interested' off his back. Pretending becomes reality.
Klíčová slova:

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