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  • Autor: thegildedmagpie
  • Fandom: Harry Potter
  • Jazyk: AJ
  • Postavy: SB/SS
  • Rating: R
  • Slash: ano
  • Dokončeno: dokončeno
  • Počet kapitol: 1
  • Shrnutí: It's Christmas Eve and someone has to clean up after the Order meeting. Eventually Severus knew he'd wind up alone with Black, but he wasn't expecting these … solicitations. Alternate title: “A Smorgasbord of Snack,” featuring a meaty entree of rough sex with an enhancing side of angst, a piquant bounty of insults, and a subtle dash of revenge. bondage, rough sex, Kinky Kristmas 2010
  • Klíčová slova:

Hodnocení čtenářů:

“Klasika, ale líbí se mi zdůraznění Snapeovy motivace proč se vlastně dal ke Smrtijedům. A hate sex! :p 3+++ S.L.”