Vloženo: bedrníka2020-09-20 12:38:10
- Autor: Fox Estacado
- Fandom: Harry Potter
- Jazyk: fanart
- Postavy: Draco, havran
- Rating: přístupné
- Slash: ano
- Dokončeno: dokončeno
- Počet kapitol: 0
- Shrnutí: This is a turning point of Draco´s life. He has carried on the tradition of his father´s servitude to the Dark Lord. That servitude was always an abstract idea, but now it is solidified by a Mark on his previously unblemished forearm. The magnitude of what has happened is just now hitting him, and he is uncertain about his future. Snape sent his raven to reassure him, to comfort him.
- Klíčová slova: Draco, částečná nahota, havran
Hodnocení průměr: 80%Celkový počet hodnocení: 1
Hodnocení čtenářů:
Přidělené hodnocení: 4
Dne: 2020-09-20 12:38:10