Vloženo: sirina2012-01-22 22:50:54
- Autor: UchiHime
- Fandom: Harry Potter
- Jazyk: AJ
- Postavy: Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoyová, Blaise Zabini
- Rating: M
- Slash: ano
- Dokončeno: dokončeno
- Počet kapitol: 10
- Shrnutí: When the Malfoys return from a trip to find a four year old Harry taking shelter in their house, they decide to adopt him. After all, he's Harry Potter and who wouldn't want him for a son? But what if Lucius doesn't feel for Harry the way one should for their son? "You're a victim, Harry!" Blaise said. "Don't say that!" Harry yelled back. "All I wanted was to be loved, and he does. He loves me."
- Klíčová slova: incest, mpreg, interupce, Azkaban, smrt, harry vychováván na Malfoy manor, drogy
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Dne: 2012-01-22 22:50:54