we're not who we used to be

  • Autor: writing_way_too_much
  • Fandom: Harry Potter
  • Jazyk: AJ
  • Postavy: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
  • Rating: Teen & Up
  • Slash: ano
  • Dokončeno: dokončeno
  • Počet kapitol: 1
  • Shrnutí: Harry sits down heavily on his bed, staring at the back of his right hand. He finally takes a spare shirt and wraps it around it, soaking up the blood, applying pressure to the wound. I must not tell lies. He doesn’t even really know what to think. There’s just the dull hatred of Umbridge, the dull fear of Voldemort, the dull worry about Hagrid and Sirius. Dull. Dull. Dull. -- alternately: Harry's having a rough time. Ron helps, a little.
  • Klíčová slova: Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss, Order of the Phoenix

Hodnocení čtenářů:

“Krásně napsané, velmi dobře podané Harryho emoce. (A Ron je Ron, aww.)”
“Ačkoliv nemusím fikce, kde jsou hlavními postavami teenageři, tohle se mi moc líbilo především díky vykreslení Harryho emočního stavu. Ronova ochota pomoci byla třešničkou.”