Vloženo: Watren2022-09-16 22:33:01
- Autor: ObsidianPen
- Fandom: Harry Potter
- Jazyk: AJ
- Postavy: Harry Potter/Voldemort, Ron Weasley/Hermione, Granger Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Draco Malfoy
- Rating: 18+
- Slash: ano
- Dokončeno: nedokončeno
- Poslední aktualizace: 2022-04-17
- Počet kapitol: 49
- Shrnutí: The Dark Lord divines what Harry Potter is in the Forbidden Forest, and revelations lead to incomprehensible consequences. Lord Voldemort has won... and the dystopia is damning.
A tale of a fallen hero, dark desires, and a Dark Lord's obsession with something he has lost and finds himself unwillingly lusting after: a soul.
- Klíčová slova: torture, angst, obssesion, dark, voldemort wins, Non-con elements
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Dne: 2022-09-16 22:33:01