The Hollow King's Bride

  • Autor: Mister_Fox
  • Fandom: Bleach
  • Jazyk: AJ
  • Postavy: Kurosaki Ichigo/Urahara Kisuke
  • Rating: G – pro všechny
  • Slash: ano
  • Dokončeno: dokončeno
  • Počet kapitol: 1
  • Shrnutí: In an attempt to make a formal peace treaty with the newest King of Hueco Mundo, the Central 46 pick a powerful but disposable soul to offer as a bride and potential meal to the Hollow King. Kisuke isn't surprised that they pick him; he's the youngest, least experienced, and the least likely to try and escape his fate. He's always been too loyal to Yoruichi-san, he supposes. He will do what he must to preserve her peaceful life. He wonders if that is a trait the Hollow King will appreciate.
  • Klíčová slova: UraIchi, skrytá identita, tajemství, objeď, cestování časem

Hodnocení čtenářů:

“Kisuke je obětován králi prázdných, tím králem je však Ichigo, který je však hodný a nechce mu ublížit.”